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Our Mission


Mission Statement:
We Advocate for our unhoused n
eighbors to have a seat at the table and a voice in the conversation on homelessness.


The vision of AMFB is not prayer or proselytizing. Our primary work is to meet the basic needs of each person who we serve, with a generous compassion.

"I was hungry,  thirsty, naked, sick or imprisoned... you fed me, gave me a drink, clothed me and visited me"

  • We provide tents, sleeping bags, warm clothes, blankets, Bombas socks, hygiene products, laundry supplies, encampment clean-up supplies, food, water, housing resource information and other supplemental basic needs to assist the unhoused residents.

  • We reach out to our partner organizations for case management assistance, to create prevention programs that help people to pathways of safe housing and independent living. 

  • We avoid putting a Band-Aid on the problem of homelessness by not only giving food & supplies; but giving love, respect, and humanity WITHOUT judgement. We've gained access to the encampments and built mutually trusting relationships.

  • We bring resources directly to those looking for pathways out of tough circumstances.

  • We are committed community advocates for all residents housed, unhoused, and people at risk of homelessness.

  • We serve all people with dignity and respect, with the understanding that we are one community. We serve veterans and all individuals regardless of age, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, or religion.

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